濮阳市信宇石油机械化工有限公司地处中国良好旅游城市、*龙乡濮阳市的石化东路路北。注册资本金3168万元,占地面积17.9万平方米,拥有现代化标准厂房4万平方米,地理位置优越,交通便利,环境优美。 PUYANG XINYU PETROCHEMICAL MACHINERY COMPANY.,LTD. is located in Puyang City, which is an excellent travel city in China and is called China Dragon Town, with the address of north road, Chemical eastern road, Puyang City, China. The Company has registered capital of 31.68 million Yuan, floor area of 1.79 million square meters, and modern standard factory building of 400,000 square meters. It takes the preferable geographic position, convenient transport and comfortable environment as well. 公司现有员工600余人,其中高中级职称88人。公司下设抽油机厂、抽油泵厂、钻采设备厂、钻井机械厂、起重机械厂、油气设备厂、注..